Summary of the negative findings for the 2019 PPS TAG complaint,

excerpted and rearranged.


Each finding begins with the rule number and summary of the rule

OAR 581-022-2325, Identification of Academically Talented and Intellectually Gifted Students

(OAR 581-022-2325(1)) Each school district shall have local district policies and procedures for the identification of talented and gifted students as defined in ORS 343.395 who demonstrate outstanding ability or potential.

The District has a TAG policy. However, it is not consistent with current TAG OAR or with the District?s administrative directives. The District last amended that policy in 2002.
The District should amend its TAG policy to be consistent with current TAG OAR.
The District should consider adopting an administrative directive to strengthen and support implementation of its amended TAG policy.
The District should review and amend any TAG information to parents to ensure any citations to or quotes from TAG OAR are current, correct, and consistent with the District?s TAG policy and administrative directive.

(OAR 581-022-2500(5)(a-d)) Assessments for the development of an appropriate academic instructional program shall include the information used by the team for identification purposes and also may include one or more of the following: .

General Finding
A random review of ten TAG Building Plans found their plans to assess the development of academic programs included sources of information used for the purpose of identifying TAG students. However, it is not clear if or how schools use that information because few of the Building Plans included a team to implement the use of identification information.

(OAR 581-022-2500(4)) Instruction provided to identified students shall be designed to accommodate their assessed levels of learning and accelerated rates of learning.

General Finding
The District does not provide appropriate rate and level instruction for most of its TAG students most of the time.

OAR 581-022-2330, Rights of Parents of TAG Students

(581-022-2330(1)) Inform parents at the time of the identification of the child and the programs and services available.

General Finding
There is no evidence of a procedure to ensure parents get that information at the time a child is TAG identified.

Findings from Classroom Visits
There is no information from classroom visits specific to OAR 581-022-2330(1).

(OAR 581-022-2330(2)) Provide an opportunity for the parents to provide input to and discuss with the district the programs and services to be received by their child.

General Finding
There are plans in place for parents to provide input about and discuss their students? TAG services with District staff, but most parents surveyed responded there are actually few if any opportunities to do that.

 (OAR 581-022-2330(3)) The parents may, at any time, request the withdrawal of their child from programs and services provided under OAR 581-022-2330. The school district shall notify parents of identified students of this right.

General Finding
A minority of parents surveyed agreed or strongly agreed they were aware of their rights to withdraw students from the District?s TAG services and programs, and there is little if any attempt to inform parents about that right.

compiled by Margaret DeLacy, 1/11/2022